Special markers 도 and 은/는 in Korean

 What’s the difference between 수지도 사과는 먹었다 and 수지는 사과도 먹었다? Basically both sentences mean “수지가 사과를 먹었다 (Suzy ate apples).” Here, is a subject marker and is an object marker. 

However, other special markers such as and can replace the case markers to add additional meaning to a sentence.

As I explained in the previous post, (or ) is a topic marker emphasizing the preceding noun. And particle is attached to a noun and mean “also, too, as well as, etc.”


To sum up the contrast: 

  • 수지가 사과를 먹었다. (Suzy ate apples.) This sentence can be an answer to “Who ate apples?”
  • 수지는 사과를 먹었다. (Suzy ate apples.) This sentence can be an answer to “What did Suzy eat?”
  • 수지도 사과를 먹었다. (Suzy also ate apples.) This sentence can be an answer to “Who else ate apples?”
  • 수지는 사과도 먹었다. (Suzy ate apples as well.) This sentence can be an answer to “What else did Suzy eat?”
  • 수지도 사과는 먹었다. (Even Suzy ate apples.) This sentence means that everybody ate apples including Suzy who didn’t eat any other fruit.
  • 수지가 사과는 먹었다. This sentence means that Suzy didn’t eat anything but she did eat apples.


So, depending on where you put and , you can change the meaning and emphasis of the sentence. That's why these special markers are very useful and important in Korean.
